Sunday, February 9, 2014

Thinking about trends


  1. The promise of upgrades as it is now is a cash cow, and usually propriatory. It keeps people from fiddling with their products out of fear to damage something, and companies have to approve of additional products for theirs. On the contrary to what they claim it is not more sustainable, as interfaces change over time. You will sooner or later be forced to buy a new central element that makes all others obsolete together with the old central element. Maybe not, as the industry expects us presently within 18 to 36 months, but the technology standards usually change within 6 years. So, in that time you will buy a lot of add ons that give you the feeling of constant improvement - bit by bit - and make you start all over again as soon as your central element becomes obsolete or unsupported by the manufacturer. Open source could help to keep things going longer, but who wants that ...

  2. I thought about trends and their relation to designers a bit more: Is it important for us to follow or know trends? OR is this a wrong thought, as we are the one that should have the antennae for Zeitgeist and create the trends for others to follow? It is that phenomenon when you suddenly see the forms and ideas from your sketchbook pop up all around the blogs and fairs, while you were busy doing other projects. Thieving buggers, all of them!
